Saint Paul is experiencing its highest levels of shooting deaths in the past 30 years. 90% of homicides involve guns. We know that youth witnessing and experiencing violence is detrimental to their healthy development. The Saint Paul Children’s Collaborative is allocating $182,500 to be used by community based-organizations to reduce gun violence and increase safety for Saint Paul’s young people.
-March 12, 2020 – RFP Released
-April 9, 2020 – Proposals due by 5:00 pm CST, no exceptions or extensions
-April 27 – May 6, 2020 – Review Team Meeting and Site Visits as needed
-May 13, 2020 -Saint Paul Children’s Collaborative Board acts on Review Team Recommendations
-May 14 – June 1, 2020 – Grant Agreements Executed
-June 1, 2020 – Two-year grant period begins
SPCC Violence Prevention Rubric
Google Drive with relevant research and other articles that may be of interest: Click here
Saint Paul Children’s Collaborative Spending Policy: Allowable Uses for LCTS Funds